You are here: Creating a project workflow > Creating and editing transitions

Creating and editing transitions

Each transition in a workflow represents the change in an engineering project from one phase to another. The transition can implement rules that force the workflow to progress in a predetermined path. These rules can be based on:

When transitions occur, they can assign project property values and display custom wizard pages to prompt users for required and optional information.

To create or edit a workflow definition transition:

  1. In Configurator, expand Workflow Definitions in the configuration tree and select the workflow definition you want to edit. Its property pages appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the States tab to display the current workflow.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the workflow.
  4. To create a new transition, use the tools described in Creating a project workflow.
  5. To edit a transition, double-click the transition. The transition’s Properties page appears.
  6. On the General page, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  7. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog.
  8. Click the OK button to save your changes.
Workflow definition transition general options
Option Description

Display name

Type the name of the transition as you want it to appear to users. This name should reflect the purpose of the state in the workflow.


A default internal name is calculated. Accept the default in most cases.


Select an icon to be shown next to this transition’s name in the Advanced Project Workflow Module client applications.


Type an optional description.

All transitions to the same destination state

The transitions of all projects in the batch being routed to the same destination state will be executed. For more information, see Understanding transition equivalence.

Transitions with the same equivalence tag

The transitions of all projects in the batch with the same equivalence tag will be executed. Type the tag in the input box. For more information, see Understanding transition equivalence.

All transitions from the same source state

The transitions of all projects in the batch being routed from the same source state will be executed. For more information, see Understanding transition equivalence.

No other transition

No other transitions will be executed in the batch. For more information, see Understanding transition equivalence.